I receive countless women in my DMs sharing that:
They want to create
They want to start their own business
They want extra side income
They want to use their talents and subject-expertise to serve others
My reply is always the same:
What do you need in order to get started?
Most say they “just need to get started already”. So why aren’t they? Why aren’t you?
I'm just going to come out and say it:
There’s a huge mindset piece that has to be overcome if you’ve been given a vision but are failing to act on it.
My follow up question is always: “How are things going in the meantime?”
Based on my experience in this area, I know there are few possible outcomes of not following your dream and answering the creative call on your life.
One of my favorite Brené Brown quotes sums it up perfectly:
“As it turns out, it’s not merely benign or “too bad” if we don’t use the gifts that we’ve been given; we pay for it with our emotional and physical well-being. When we don’t use our talents to cultivate meaningful work, we struggle. We feel disconnected and weighed down by feelings of emptiness, frustration, resentment, shame, disappointment, fear, and even grief.”
This quote reminds me that these creative visions may start in my head, but that's not where they are meant to stay. I was created by a master creator to create. (read it again)
"Languish" is a word that you tend to read in a romance novel – usually tied to some
forbidden love interest.
You read the word and don’t see yourself reflected in it at all, but the truth is, if you’re reading this, you may indeed be languishing in life right now.
Languishing refers to a stagnation and emptiness that causes you to muddle through your days feeling joyless and aimless.
Doesn’t sound so novela-ish when you read it that way, does it?
I know this word from a personal place – I have definitely been in a season of languish before and know the root was not using my gifts to cultivate meaningful work.
Here are two signs you might be in a season of Languish:
1. You Lack A Sense Of Peace
There are many reasons to lack peace, the most primary of which is being in a place of spiritual transition or disconnection. But for the purpose of this topic, the lack of peace you feel is because you're out of alignment.
You know that you were given a talent, a gift, a vision, a dream, or a direction and you’re not following that. This connects back to spirituality for sure.
2. You Lack Energy
And no amount of sleep, rest, eating right or exercising can cure it. The lack of energy you feel is because you're not doing work that energizes you.
This is not designed to minimize more serious mental health issues. If you are battling anxiety, depression, or suicidal ideation, please reach out to someone immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 800-273-8255.
Before starting my business, I was fulfilled at work in many ways. I was experienced, skilled, and respected by my colleagues and those I lead. I was using my degree, and growing in so many ways professionally, but couldn’t shake the desire for creatively using my talents for myself.
I felt tired often at the end of the workday, and I assumed this was normal until I finally decided to start my business. I found I had energy during times of the day when I normally didn’t – brainstorming, planning, and working with my amazing clients filled me with so much energy that I had trouble turning my brain off at night!
We are all creatives. Each of us. Whether your lane is numbers and accounting or gardening and cultivation, there’s a uniqueness to the way you do what you do, and why you were called to do it.
So what's the key to shaking off languish?
Getting “In The Zone”!
I blog about this often as one of the signature pieces of my work with clients, and you can read more here!
Find out what brings you joy by paying attention to when you’re using your greatest and most natural talents.
For creativity to bloom, you need not only talent, but you need time! Space, and opportunity. You may feel so tired that you can’t possibly imagine where extra time will come from.
Read about the ways I encourage my clients to make time for their creative passions here. Sometimes, a lack of time is often something else entirely, in disguise.
If you're really honest, tell me....what do you truly desire for yourself?

Don’t Ignore The Signs That You’re READY!
Getting in the zone and giving yourself the time you need to stay there uninterrupted is an intentional way to combat languishing. The time is essential in order to find your flow and focus. I use the time I’m able to carve out to level up my business by becoming more clear, more planful, and more prepared. This cycle of freed up time allows me to stay in the zone and the energy created there combats those feelings of languish.
Not sure how to implement these steps to get started? Struggling with the strategy you need to pull it all together? Let me help you out by hopping on a strategy session with me.
My 8-week coaching group, Strength to Start Collab is a natural mindset-motivator. Apply to join if you're looking for a coaching program to help you strategize to start, or scale, your creative business!
Are you feeling a lack of peace, a lack of energy, or that you’re neglecting the entrepreneurial call on your life? Share below, and let me know which piece you’re experiencing, and how you're working to combat it!
