Time went something like this 2000002000000000000000000, 200002111111111111111111111111, 2022 LOL. Was it just me?
2022 went out with a BANG – it felt like the hits just kept coming. Now that 2023 is here it’s so important to lock in on what you want in this life and commit to it like you haven’t before. This means your healing, your health and wellness, your joy, your salvation, your dreams, and your purpose!
Putting yourself on the back burner another year means more time passes without you moving along the road to becoming the woman you dream of.
The new year is such an exciting time – new beginnings, new opportunities, and a forward outlook, but the beauty of a new year can also be found in your daily decisions to create the life you want. Now is the perfect time to take action to make 2023 your best year yet.
Here’s how you can be a goal setter AND a goal-getter as you build you new side business in 2023:
1. Figure out what the actual priorities are for the year and what’s going to get you to them vs what’s going to get in the way of them.
There are so many things to take are of in your day to day life - praying, eating right, working out, serving, parenting, sistering, wifing, working, taking your vitamins, tracking everyone's dental appointments, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, keeping all 25 plants you got during the pandemic alive....and so many more LOL.
It can be easy for something like starting a side business to fall WAY down on the list of priorities. And the longer it sits on the shelf, the further down the list it can fall. But if those ideas for a business are still on your heart, that's all the sign you need to pull them down and dust them off.
Here are a few ways to refresh and reignite your passion and make starting your side business a goal:
Create a vision board
Share it with people who know and love you so they can remind you – course correct you
Post it somewhere you can see it everyday!
Journal about your feelings, hopes, dreams, and wishes
Once you have a clearer picture of what you're hoping for in your life, identify the small steps you can start taking in the direction of your dreams starting now!
2. Decide on your WHY.
This is your purpose and reason for initiating this life change.
Meaning, if my life stayed exactly the same what would I be sacrificing the improvement, fulfillment, or betterment of?
Ultimately, it’s your why that will keep you going at times when motivation and inspiration run dry – dedication and consistency are “WHY-driven”.
A few questions that can help you narrow down your why are: What do you care about? WHO do you care about helping? What part of you feels lost without taking action in a particular part of your life?
3. Shake "Good-Girl Syndrome"
Doing what you thought you should do to get what you want has gotten you to this place of realizing the things we’re told are important aren’t necessarily the most important things to us after all.
One of the main reasons I became an infopreneur was wanting more time with my family. Getting home from work at 5:45PM didn’t give me the time I wanted and knew I was entitled to, but no one talked about this when telling me to go after my “dream job” in higher education.
When I realized the life I wanted was up to me to create, I started on the journey to make that happen using what I already had. Often, Black women didn’t watch our mothers dream, plan, and work towards those dreams.
Did we watch them work? Make a way out of no way? Get the unthinkable done? YES, YES, and YES!
And because that's where their energy went, there wasn't a huge focus on THEIR dreams....they were working like crazy to make sure we could realize OUR dreams!
4. Be willing to invest the time and money it takes to reach your goals – you’re the best investment you can make and it will never be a waste.
Fulfillment and knowing that we CAN do the hard things we put our minds to and even more so that we don’t have to be alone in it.
I’m hosting my first FREE LIVE workshop of the year for women looking to take that idea for a business - or maybe it’s not even a business idea yet but they know they’re meant to make an impact and make money on their own terms.
If you know this is your time meet me on my couch this Saturday at 10am PST!
I'm teaching you how to turn your talent and insight into an aligned information-based side business so you can get out of confusion about how to start so you gain the clarity you need to show up and serve. This gets to be the year you made it happen for you.
I'm cheering so hard for you!
See you there,
Shanell Your Talent AmplifyHER